I'm using the Fez Spider as my Gadgeteer mainboard. But you could use any other mainboard that has 2 analog(A) sockets and 1 pwm(P) socket
This is the third post in a series detailing how i went about building an object tracking robot using .Net Gadgeteer. Links to the first two posts below.
Gadgeteer Object Tracking Robot - Part 1
Gadgeteer Object Tracking Robot - Part 2
Check out the video below which i took when i first got this working for a demonstration of what i was trying to do.
The ir compound eye is a relatively inexpensive sensor that can be used for object tracking. It works by shining ir light at whatever is infront of it and then measuring the reflected ir. It consists of 4 pairs of photo transistors which provide top, bottom, left, and right readings.
![]() |
IR Compound Eye |
It requires 4 analog inputs to read the sensors and 1 digital output to control the ir leds.
Gadgeteer sockets marked A can be used for analog input, however only pins 3,4, and 5 are analog capable.
So unfortuately we need to use 2 extender modules connected to 2 different A sockets on the Gadgeteer mainboard.
![]() |
Pan and Tilt mechanism |
In order to actually track objects we also need a pan and tilt kit.
The basic idea is that if the object we are tracking moves to the left, the reading from the compound eye will increase on that side, and decrease on the other. Likewise if the object moves up or down etc.
When this happens we will move the pan and tilt mechanism to follow it.
Dagu produce a cheap pan and tilt kit designed to be used with the compound eye.
It consists of 2 servos and the pan and tilt frame. One servo controls the left to right motion and the other controls the up and down motion.
So for this we need... yet another extender module. 2 pwm pins to control the servos.
Any free socket marked P can be used for this. Pins 7, 8, and 9 are pwm capable.
In summary, we need 3 extender modules.
- On the first extender module, which must be plugged into an A socket, we will use pins 3 and 4 for the left and right sensor readings. We will also use pin 6 to control switching on and off the ir leds.
- On the second extender module, which again must be plugged into an A socket, we will use pins 3 and 4 for the top and bottom sensor readings.
- On the third extender module, which must be plugged into a P socket, we will use pins 7 and 8 to control the pan and tilt.
Make sure you get some nice long jumper leads to connect the ir compound eye pins into the breadboard so that it can move freely when used with a pan and tilt mechanism.
Plug your extender modules into a breadboard. See my previous post which explains how to attach a header to your extender module if you are unsure of how to do this.
There are 7 pins on the ir compound eye
- +5v - connect to +5v output from any extender module.
- Bottom Sensor - connect to pin 3 on the second extender module
- Right Sensor - connect to pin 3 on the first extender module
- Top Sensor - connect to pin 4 on the second extender module
- Left Sensor - connect to pin 4 on the first extender module
- IR Leds - connect to pin 6 on the first extender module.
- Ground - connect to common ground shared by all extenders.
There is further info about the ir compound eye in this post, which also has a nice circuit diagram which helps alot when trying to figure out which pin is which.
Once the eye has been wired up, you will also need to connect the pwm from the pan and tilt servos to the pwm output pins on your third extender module. The ground from the servos should be connected into your ground rail on the breadboard. The +5v connection from the servos should be connected to a seperate power source, don't try and use the +5v from the extender module.
I've drawn up a quick breadboard diagram below so that you can see how everything should be connected. The extender modules as shown in the diagram are oriented so that the ground pin is on the left hand side.
Once the eye has been wired up, you will also need to connect the pwm from the pan and tilt servos to the pwm output pins on your third extender module. The ground from the servos should be connected into your ground rail on the breadboard. The +5v connection from the servos should be connected to a seperate power source, don't try and use the +5v from the extender module.
I've drawn up a quick breadboard diagram below so that you can see how everything should be connected. The extender modules as shown in the diagram are oriented so that the ground pin is on the left hand side.
Once you have everything connected it's time to start writing some code.
Dagu provide some sample code for arduino which can be used with the ir compound eye, so it was relatively simple to convert this to c# and make it a bit more object oriented.
The original arduino code can be found here incase you are interested
The original arduino code can be found here incase you are interested
I'm going to explain various parts of the code below.
The complete working code can be downloaded from GitHub
First i created an IrCompoundEyeData class to contain the data returned from the ir compound eye.
namespace GadgeteerObjectTracking
public class IrCompoundEyeData
public double LeftIrValue { get; set; }
public double RightIrValue { get; set; }
public double UpIrValue { get; set; }
public double DownIrValue { get; set; }
public double CurrentDistance { get; set; }
Then i created the IrCompoundEye class to manage reading the compound eye sensors.
The class takes 2 Extender modules as constructor parameters. The extender modules should both be connected to A sockets on the mainboard. Pins 3 and 4 are used on each extender to take the analog reading from the sensors. Pin 6 on the first extender is also used to switch the ir leds on and off.
The IrCompoundEye class has a single public method - Read() which returns an IrCompoundEyeData object. In this method we take a reading from all the sensors with the IR leds switched on which gives us the total amount of reflected IR, including ambient light.
We then switch the IR leds off and take a second reading, which gives us the amount of ambient IR.
This second reading is subtracted from the first reading to give us a more accurate value.
The readings are returned as an IrCompoundEyeData object.
The class takes 2 Extender modules as constructor parameters. The extender modules should both be connected to A sockets on the mainboard. Pins 3 and 4 are used on each extender to take the analog reading from the sensors. Pin 6 on the first extender is also used to switch the ir leds on and off.
The IrCompoundEye class has a single public method - Read() which returns an IrCompoundEyeData object. In this method we take a reading from all the sensors with the IR leds switched on which gives us the total amount of reflected IR, including ambient light.
We then switch the IR leds off and take a second reading, which gives us the amount of ambient IR.
This second reading is subtracted from the first reading to give us a more accurate value.
The readings are returned as an IrCompoundEyeData object.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using GT = Gadgeteer;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;
namespace GadgeteerObjectTracking
public class IrCompoundEye
public GT.Interfaces.AnalogInput AnalogLeft { get; set; }
public GT.Interfaces.AnalogInput AnalogRight { get; set; }
public GT.Interfaces.AnalogInput AnalogUp { get; set; }
public GT.Interfaces.AnalogInput AnalogDown { get; set; }
public GT.Interfaces.DigitalOutput IrLeds { get; set; }
public IrCompoundEye(Extender extender1, Extender extender2)
if (extender1 == null || extender2 == null)
throw new ApplicationException("analog extender modules not set up correctly");
AnalogLeft = extender1.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Three);
AnalogRight = extender1.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Four);
AnalogDown = extender2.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Three);
AnalogUp = extender2.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Four);
IrLeds = extender1.SetupDigitalOutput(GT.Socket.Pin.Six, false);
public IrCompoundEyeData Read()
var multiplier = 310;
// Total IR = Ambient IR + LED IR Rreflected from object
// turn on IR LEDs to read TOTAL IR LIGHT (ambient + reflected)
// Allow time for phototransistors to respond. (may not be needed)
// read sensors
var leftIrValue = AnalogLeft.ReadVoltage();
var rightIrValue = AnalogRight.ReadVoltage();
var upIrValue = AnalogUp.ReadVoltage();
var downIrValue = AnalogDown.ReadVoltage();
// turn off IR LEDs to read Ambient IR Light (IR from indoor lighting and sunlight)
// Allow time for phototransistors to respond. (may not be needed)
// Reflected IR = Total IR - Ambient IR
// read sensors again and subtract this value from our first reading
leftIrValue = (leftIrValue - AnalogLeft.ReadVoltage()) * multiplier;
rightIrValue = (rightIrValue - AnalogRight.ReadVoltage()) * multiplier;
upIrValue = (upIrValue - AnalogUp.ReadVoltage()) * multiplier;
downIrValue = (downIrValue - AnalogDown.ReadVoltage()) * multiplier;
return new IrCompoundEyeData
LeftIrValue = leftIrValue,
RightIrValue = rightIrValue,
UpIrValue = upIrValue,
DownIrValue = downIrValue,
CurrentDistance = GetDistance(leftIrValue, rightIrValue, upIrValue, downIrValue)
private double GetDistance(double left, double right, double up, double down)
// distance of object is average of reflected IR
return (left + right + up + down) / 4;
Now we need a class to manage the pan and tilt mechanism. This class also takes a single extender module as a constructor parameter. We use this to pass in the extender module which is connected to a P socket on the mainboard. Pins 7 and 8 are set up as pwm outputs.
A pwm pulse is applied to the pins to set the pan and tilt positions when the appropriate method is called.
And finally an ObjectTracker class which manages our object tracking functionality.
Now that we have our framework set up. Its simple to start the object tracking from a gadgeteer program.
The example below starts the object tracker when a gadgeteer button module is pressed and stops in when the button is pressed a second time.
And that's pretty much it. Deploy the code to your mainboard and if you've wired everything up correctly the object tracker should start tracking when you push the button. Simple ;)
Get the sample code from github
If you enjoyed this post, you can also follow me on twitter or subscribe to this feed.
A pwm pulse is applied to the pins to set the pan and tilt positions when the appropriate method is called.
using System;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;
using GT = Gadgeteer;
namespace GadgeteerObjectTracking
public class PanAndTiltController
private const int PanCenter = 1500;
private const int TiltCenter = 1500;
private const int PanMax = PanCenter + 700;
private const int PanMin = PanCenter - 700;
private const int TiltMax = TiltCenter + 700;
private const int TiltMin = TiltCenter - 200;
private uint _pwmPulsePeriod;
public GT.Interfaces.PWMOutput PanPwm { get; set; }
public GT.Interfaces.PWMOutput TiltPwm { get; set; }
public int Pan { get; set; }
public int Tilt { get; set; }
public PanAndTiltController(Extender extender, uint pwmPulsePeriod)
if (extender == null)
throw new ApplicationException("pwm extender not set up correctly");
_pwmPulsePeriod = pwmPulsePeriod;
PanPwm = extender.SetupPWMOutput(GT.Socket.Pin.Seven);
TiltPwm = extender.SetupPWMOutput(GT.Socket.Pin.Eight);
Pan = PanCenter;
Tilt = TiltCenter;
public void SetPan()
if (Pan < PanMin) Pan = PanMin;
if (Pan > PanMax) Pan = PanMax;
Servo(PanPwm, Pan);
public void SetTilt()
if (Tilt < TiltMin) Tilt = TiltMin;
if (Tilt > TiltMax) Tilt = TiltMax;
Servo(TiltPwm, Tilt);
public void StepTowardsCenter()
if (Pan > PanCenter) Pan -= 1;
if (Pan < PanCenter) Pan += 1;
if (Tilt > TiltCenter) Tilt -= 1;
if (Tilt < TiltCenter) Tilt += 1;
private void Servo(GT.Interfaces.PWMOutput pwm, int pwmPulseHighTime)
pwm.SetPulse(_pwmPulsePeriod, (uint)pwmPulseHighTime * 1000);
And finally an ObjectTracker class which manages our object tracking functionality.
using System;
using System.Threading;
namespace GadgeteerObjectTracking
public class ObjectTracker
private IrCompoundEye _irEye;
private PanAndTiltController _panAndTiltController;
private Thread _trackingThread;
public int DistanceMax { get; set; }
public int BestDistance { get; set; }
public byte LRScaleFactor { get; set; }
public byte UDScaleFactor { get; set; }
public bool IsTracking { get; private set; }
public ObjectTracker(IrCompoundEye irEye, PanAndTiltController panAndTiltController)
//set default values
DistanceMax = 220;
BestDistance = 550;
LRScaleFactor = 5;
UDScaleFactor = 5;
_irEye = irEye;
_panAndTiltController = panAndTiltController;
public void StartTracking()
_trackingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TrackingThread));
IsTracking = true;
public void StopTracking()
if (_trackingThread != null)
IsTracking = false;
private void TrackingThread()
while (true)
var irEyeData = _irEye.Read();
if (irEyeData.CurrentDistance < DistanceMax)
// nothing within range, move servos back to center position
// something is within range, track it.
var panScale = (irEyeData.LeftIrValue + irEyeData.RightIrValue) / LRScaleFactor;
var tiltScale = (irEyeData.UpIrValue + irEyeData.DownIrValue) / UDScaleFactor;
_panAndTiltController.Pan += (int)GetPanTiltAdjustment(irEyeData.LeftIrValue, irEyeData.RightIrValue, panScale);
_panAndTiltController.Tilt += (int)GetPanTiltAdjustment(irEyeData.UpIrValue, irEyeData.DownIrValue, panScale);
private double GetPanTiltAdjustment(double irValue1, double irValue2, double scale)
return (irValue1 - irValue2) * 5 / scale;
Now that we have our framework set up. Its simple to start the object tracking from a gadgeteer program.
The example below starts the object tracker when a gadgeteer button module is pressed and stops in when the button is pressed a second time.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using GT = Gadgeteer;
using GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;
using GadgeteerObjectTracking;
namespace ObjectTrackingDemo
public partial class Program
ObjectTracker _objectTracker;
void ProgramStarted()
Debug.Print("Program Started");
button.ButtonPressed += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(button_ButtonPressed);
void button_ButtonPressed(Button sender, Button.ButtonState state)
if (_objectTracker == null)
throw new ApplicationException("object tracker is null");
if (_objectTracker.IsTracking)
void Setup()
var irEye = new IrCompoundEye(AnalogExtender, AnalogExtender2);
var panAndTiltController = new PanAndTiltController(PwmExtender, 20000000);
_objectTracker = new ObjectTracker(irEye, panAndTiltController);
And that's pretty much it. Deploy the code to your mainboard and if you've wired everything up correctly the object tracker should start tracking when you push the button. Simple ;)
Get the sample code from github
If you enjoyed this post, you can also follow me on twitter or subscribe to this feed.
We'd like to display an abstract of this post on http://www.netmf.com/gadgeteer/showcase.aspx?showcaseid=2
ReplyDeletePlease reply to gmdodaro@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteGreat posts, and I've just received my Dagu components to give it a go myself :).
However, is there an error in the IRCompoundEye constructor (from post and github)?
AnalogLeft = extender1.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Three);
AnalogRight = extender1.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Four);
AnalogDown = extender2.SetupAnalogInput(GT.Socket.Pin.Three);
AnalogUp = extender1.SetupAnalogInputGT.Socket.Pin.Four);
It looks like pin four of extender 1 is being shared by AnalogRight and AnalogUp.
DeleteSorry about the error.
I've fixed this now and updated the source.
Analog up is on the second extender in my setup so it should have been.
AnalogUp = extender2.SetupAnalogInputGT.Socket.Pin.Four);
Let me know if you have any other issues. My gadgeteer board is at work at the moment so i can't test.
ReplyDeleteWhich microcontroller do you for be able to write in c# ?